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The NEW PCD MANT MTD-15-005-TSMANT PCD is made from diamond micron powders with blocky grain structure in very narrow size tolerances. Together with metallic catalysts it undergoes the high- temperature high-pressure sintering process. This results in an interlaced compound structure: The polycrystalline diamond (PCD).

Afterwards metallic portions are acid leached. The PCD now is thermostable up to temperatures near 1,000 °C. Thus reducing the risk of cracks at high drawing speeds and high deformation degrees.

The conically cut and polished PCD blanc is pressed into the tungsten carbide ring. The conical fitting surface of PCD and ring gives a better support against the axial drawing forces.

This is the new MANT MTD-15-005-TS.
„The samples MANT X1 and MANT X2 were free of defects. They showed the best material properties of all probes investigated.“ Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Pollmans
of WZL (Werkzeugmaschinenlabor) of RWTH Aachen University.

„We recommend MANT PCD. No breakage during our production, no „holes“ and „spots“, excellent polishing.
Wire drawing customers are satisfied with life-time and wire surface.“
Uschi Messerschmied
Quality Manager at
REDIES Deutschland